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How We Get Together is Changing

Transported from your sofa to the heart of an event. Crossing the world without expense, hassle, or CO2 emissions – just a click of the mouse or a tap of a finger on a tablet or smartphone. Hybrid events are the new megatrend that makes all this possible. 

In essence, hybrid events are a way of combining live meetings with virtual content. They allow people from around the world to participate in events that are happening elsewhere, and to do so in an active way. You can engage in rich interaction with other participants, thanks to an extensive suite of apps and chat tools. For example, speakers who aren’t at an event in-person can give presentations via a live online connection, just as though they were in the room. It’s also possible to share content with other participants via social media, live chat, or message apps – a form of interaction that can continue after the event.


A Wealth of Benefits

This hybrid experience is especially useful for international events, which often give rise to complications around scheduling, travel arrangements, or costs. It also benefits event organizers by simplifying planning, enlarging the potential audience, and lowering costs. In addition, thanks to the richness of the interaction, complex content can be compiled, presented, discussed, and agreed upon in a clear and efficient way.

While online meetings are useful, they often do not compare as favorably with the experience of attending an event in person as the virtual attendees are typically limited in how they can interact, resulting in a more passive engagement. This is where the strength of the hybrid model lies, since it uses multiple tools to provide all participants with an equally engaging and convenient experience – no matter where they are physically located.


Taking Interaction to a New Level

Merging live and virtual into one impressive event experience allows us to bring more people closer together, while giving both the people in the meeting room as well as people located elsewhere a sense of being totally involved. The hybrid model offers each participant a live experience that is immersive and compelling. Not only does it considerably improve the standard online virtual meeting experience, it even enhances the interactions at real-life meetings. Essentially, everyone wins!
